Guilty for feeling this way?

In middle school, there was a girl who was awful to people, especially me. Going as far as trying to get into physical fights. She made my 6th & 7th grade year pure hell. She was beautiful, not the type of "bully" you'd really picture. The cheerleader type. Well, our 9th grade year (I moved away before 8th grade) she was driving recklessly & trying to race someone. She got in a horrid accident, flipped her car, severely injured the passenger & paralyzed herself. This all happened 20 years ago. I got curious & found her on Facebook. Still paralyzed & in a wheelchair, & really, really, obese. I should feel sorry for her, but I can't help that I feel that it was her bad karma. I don't feel bad. I feel worse for not feeling bad lol. Bullying can stay with you forever, I hope everyone raises their kids to be kind. How would you feel?