Help me!!!

So I know it's ok but I just need some reassurance...
My 5 week old had a rough day, and has been asleep for the past 6 hours. (It's 10:30pm). We went out for lunch with the in laws, and we got stuck in traffic for 1 hour and the ride back was 45 minutes. He HATES the car, so he cried and cried. He didn't eat for awhile, but when we got home we had a great cuddle and a feeding session, and he slept in my arms at first. Then in the swing for awhile. We visited my parents next door and he usually wakes up for them, but he slept! I had to feed him so I did a sleep feed. We came home and he's still asleep!!!! Did he have a hard day and just rebooting? I know he's ok- he's had wet diapers and nothing else seems to be upsetting him, he's just super zonked. He is a chunker so he's well within his weight range. He's ok right?! TIA!