Working on myself in private

Teemo Troll • I tell it how it is
Just wanted to give myself props today. Over the past two years I've had two miscarriages, and gained over fourty pounds with pregnancies and depression. I'm only 5' and weighed myself today at 142lbs. The biggest I've ever been and I made a choice to change that. I will no longer sit and sulk about my babies and my body, I will take control and work on myself! I went for a ten minute jog with my puppy today, made a healthy breakfast, looked up ideas for meal plans and started using my elliptical when my boyfriend is asleep or at work. I'm doing this for my self and for once I'm gaining confidence who knows maybe if I start feeling good about myself I won't be embarrassed to workout infront of my boyfriend. Sorry took anyone annoyed at this post but I'm proud of myself. I took the first steps to being healthy