Posting AGAIN since NOBODY answered. Thanks!

Hey I have a little girl that is fixing to turn 5 months. Me and my husband want 3-4 kids. Well that was before we had our first. Being a parent was great at first but then once she turned three months and started teething....I'm ready to pull my hair out. I'm so frustrated most of the time but sometimes I just look at her and she is so precious, I want another one!!!! Well me and my husband arnt doing anything to prevent babies. And my first period since my baby was August 25. Lasted five days. Well in the middle of my cycle I started spotting. For two days (6-7 of September). Very very light and a brownish pinkish color. I looked it up on Google and two things came up. Ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding. How do u tell the difference between the two??? And what are the odds of me being pregnant? If I am I'd be STOKED! But im worried what my family will say. Im kinda a coward when im around them since they are so outspoken and loud. They already know im getting really frustrated with my first and I know they will get on to me for having another one so soon. Everybody in my family already treats me like I'm not even her mom. I can't make a move without them telling me" be careful!!,do do that!!, do it this way, watch out!!" I mean I'm foxing to turn 21 and they are acting like im a five year old holding a baby. " careful, watch her neck!" Well that's why if I am I'm not even going to tell my family I'm pregnant until I'm starting to show or know the sex. I just don't want drama. But I guess the reason for this post is to get support and advice in having another kid so early after having one. And if anybody is dealing with the same thing feel free to share your situation.