How to tell my fiancé

So I'm trying to decide how to tell my fiancé the good news (as long as the next few test I take come back with strong positives)! I have a few ideas. Also his bday is Coming up on the 24th and I don't know if I should wait until then to tell him or tell him right away. Which one do you like best? Feel free to also comment with any other ideas any of you ladies have! 
Idea 1: lay a positive test and a piece of paper that says "make room for me daddy" in his drawer where his work clothes are (so in the morning when he wakes up and goes to get ready he sees it.) 
Idea 2: get DIY scratch off tickets and where it says his prize it would say "we are expecting" or something along those lines. 
Idea 3: get an engraved fishing lure (he loves fishing) that says "new fishing buddy arriving 2017" 

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