I'm prepping my body to conceive, but my husband is doing nothing!!!

My husband and I are wanting to start really trying next month for our second child. Our first is 8 now. So it's been a while! 
 We've been off BC since July taking the see what happens approach. In the meantime, I've started prenatals, eating cleaner, exercising more - trying to prep my body. All I ask is that he eats cleaner, but instead it's pizza, chocolate milk, fast food and doughnuts. I cook clean meals and prep for the week so we're not tempted to pick up fast food. We both work a lot and have quite the commute, so the temptation is there. He's gained more weight because he hasn't been working out and eating junk! Im 32 and it's kinda now or never time. I feel like I'm the only one taking it seriously. I have no idea how to approach it without hurting his feelings, but what we use to joke about is now making me feel alone in this mission for a baby. I really could use some advice!