coming off birth control

Ugh, so... Last fall/winter my period disappeared after being consistently regular for 10+ years. Gyn gave me progesterone to kick it back into cycle. It worked. Within the same month we found out my husband was sterile. There was no reason for me not to go on birth control at that point to manage severe hormonal migraines, so my doc prescribed it and I was on it for 3-4 months while my husband waited for his initial appt with a fertility doctor. I went off the birth control again a month before my husband was going to get results on if his treatment is working. It is by the way! slowly but surely he's gone from sterile to a few sperm all testing "normal" with expectation his count will just continue to increase. And I haven't had my period since July. My CM still seems to be cycling with periods of egg white CM when I'd normally be ovulating if I'd had my period.... Anyone experienced this? Any suggestions? Any way to bring on a period? I'm two weeks from calling my doctor to get progesterone again... I'm trying to avoid that because the progesterone dose gives me a massive migraine.
Update: also I have lost 35 lbs over the past six months if that matters