To test or not to test

So 6 months ago I tested hpv positiv, yesterday I had to go for a new smear. My period was due on Monday, so I called the ob two weeks ago asking to reschedule, she said to take the risk and keep the appointment. So yesterday I went and she told me there was no sign of periods on the way yet. She also told me that after six months of trying we'd better start fertility testing :O. Today I'm two days late, and apart from the sore boobs and back aches I've had over the past week, it is still quite calm down under. The last six months I was quite regular 26/27 cd, today I'm on cycle day 29 I wonder if I should consider testing today or if she would have seen something if I was pregnant. She only did the smear, no echo or so. I'm so scared of being let down again, on the other hand, my boyfriend made an apointment immediately after her advise to have him checked out first...