
Keysha • 32yr momma & wife. 👶🏼 was born 10/3/11, married 💍 my best friend 8/31/16 after 3.5 years. Trying for our 2nd! Ttc 2yr
So I have heard different things about this particular subject. 
Does weight effect one trying to become pregnant?
I've heard yes because your body needs to be at a certain balance for a pregnancy to take. 
My mind tells me other wise because I see all shapes and sizes of women becoming pregnant everyday. 
I am over weight and if you look up my ideal weight for my age and height I'm nearly 100lbs over weight. (I'm 32, 5'8 & 252lbs) 
I'm trying to eat better and exercises but I'm so out of shape however I am committed. 
I'm just looking for everyone's opinions on this topic. I was 211lbs when I got pregnant with my son. So... :)