Niagen improving egg quality through mitochondrial

I just heard and read about this supposed miracle molecule - a form of vitamin B3 - called Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) trademarked as Niagen. It apparently has seem great results in female mice by extending their fertility - I think the egg quality improved.
It's still a drug accessible mainly in the US. I wonder if anyone has tried it, and the results? Particularly those with low AMH or been advised they have poor egg quality?
I'm 37, has low AMH, 2 cancelled 1 failed <a href="">IVF</a>, and has tried over 2.5 years+. About to start new <a href="">IVF</a> cycle and will keep trying as long as I can handle it. I'm taking all the supplements I can to help my egg quality and this seems the best thing around!!!