No period yet, not using Glow.

Allison • 28 years old, 2 miscarriages in ‘15 & ‘16. Married 💍. 💙 KJS 6/30/18 💙 BBS 4/29/22
It's been 3 weeks and a couple of days since I had my miscarriage at 6-8 weeks (we were never sure about gestational age since I never got an ultrasound). I must've been further along than I originally thought because I could see the formed little baby. 
Anyway, I haven't had my period since then, and I'm dreading getting it. I've also noticed that while I used to use Glow religiously, I've completely lost interest after the miscarriage. When did you ladies get your period after a loss, and did you also decide to stop using Glow (at least for a little bit)?