Samantha • 2 beautiful babies and on my last pregnancy #3 💕
I am extremely pissed and heartbroken we took our sweet baby boy Bruce in for a bath and we get him back with his whole face sooo swollen my poor baby boy is in so much pain he doesn't even want my cuddles if you are in the Colorado Springs area please please please do not take your pets to the petsmart across the street from the citadel mall 
UPDATE: his swelling has gone down but this is all he wants to do today and earlier he was throwing up and having diarrhea I just miss my happy baby 😔 pregnancy hormones and being an animal lover definitely have me feeling some type of way 
So we did take him to the vet and the vet said it was definitely NOT  a bee sting or an allergic reaction and though it looks like he could of had a muzzle on that's no reason for his eye to swell beyond the point of opening as for vomiting and diarrhea the vet couldn't give us an explanation for that but did give him some medicine. As far as us and the vet is concerned it is the groomers fault so for those of you who said not to assume it was because of them and that it was my dogs fault y'all could suck it. I know it wasn't his fault he doesn't mind being in kennels he loves being groomed but he will definitely be going back to his old groomers. Because the fact that when my husband picked him up and they "just noticed it" then and then suggested that we take them to their vet obviously something fishy was going on like they did it on purpose just so we would take our dog to their vet and make them more money. But as of now my baby boy is doing fine he just wants his love and cuddles he slept all day yesterday and is slowly getting back to the Bruce I know.