I'm 30 weeks almost 31 weeks

I need about 3 teeth pulled would they pull it I'm hurting like hell
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Posted at
Probably so. I had a root canal when I was about that far along. I had X-rays too. I think they said the 3rd trimester is safest for dental procedures. 


Posted at
Probably not but ask your dentist and your OB. I know cleanings are fine but I'm guessing they'd have to put you to sleep for a pulling...


Jessica • Sep 16, 2016
when the chemo**


Jessica • Sep 16, 2016
My sons' father had to have them all pulled she chemo and radiation messed them up. All they did was stuck him with a bunch of needles waited til he was numb and jerked them out. He has since passed if his cancer but he's no longer suffering.


Casey • Sep 16, 2016
Holy ouch! You'd have to knock me out or I'd lose it! 😳


Posted at
I think you should be able to find a dentist who will. But they will do x rays (which is no where near baby, so it should be ok) so talk to your ob and maybe get a referral if he/she gives the ok. That way a dentist will know your ob said it's fine. They just numb your mouth real good and pull it while you're awake.


Posted at
Depends on the dentist and severity