always always get a second opinion

✨Amy✨ • Just crazy for my SO and raising my babies together as though they were his and trying to have 1 more!
Ok ladies I will try to make this short but I can't promise it will be.... 
I first went to my OB/GYN when I was 5 weeks 6 days... He couldn't see anything other than a gest sac
I was petrified so I found a private clinic and they did one found baby and heartbeat 
So I figured get that was 4 days later maybe it was too early
I go back today I'm 7 weeks 5 days doc says something is wrong this doesn't look like a healthy pregnancy. I'm referring you to a perinatologists 
I go same day scared out of my mind.... 
Right away they find baby and heart beat and Baby is measuring perfectly normal. 
SO is pissed that I went through the stress not once but 2 times. We prob would have forgiven the doc but he says and I quote "I hope I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm not cause I do a lot of these and this isn't normal" 
Here is baby from today HR was 166 oh and they found it doing an abdominal ultrasound