is he seeing her?

Beth • First time momma! Have a lovely little girl 💋 kaylee rose🌹 6/4/16
So i was on instagram and i went to take a snap shot of a picture of my daughter that my fiance took because getting him to remember anything is a miracle and i noticed some chick liked every single one of his pictures and he had ab shots on there since before we met and she put 😍😍 on all of those ones. When i asked who she was he said she was an ex and i kindly said well either you need to take her off or talk to her and he stated that the last time he tried doing something like that she showed up at his wirk and had her family messaging him. Well then i said that i would gladly have a conversation with her and he kept telling me not to say anything till he deleted her... I said okayyyy fine well she has two facebooks and one instagram and he deleted one facebook after i said he has both of her accounts and he took her off instagram but he just sounded so hesitant to take her off and kept repeating to me do you really think i have time to cheat on you now that we have a kid... I believed him until he kept saying it. What do i do.