My son (Photo)

He would have been almost 2 months old. He was born sleeping 7/18...1 day after my due date. I heard his heart beating for the last time that same day 😢 My cycle is coming back...honestly I was heart broken when I started it. It made it a reality. That he's gone...I'm not pregnant anymore. I mean obliviously it was reality before, but I was secretly hoping I'd get pregnant again before I had another period. But that didn't happen. 😏 I miss him dearly, but I know he can't come back. I desire to be a mom so badly. My husband and I hs been trying for 10 months before we got pregnant the first time, then we miscarried, 2 months later we found out we were expecting our baby boy. Then we lost him. You know, they say the 3 time is the charm! We have been praying hard! 🙏🏻 I hope and pray we get pregnant soon. Thank you for listening. It's nice to have a community to rant/vent that knows or feels the same/similar way.