Last name for our daughter


So. I have a 2 year old son. He originally had my last name, and we changed it to his fathers a few months after birth. Well , i absolutely regret it.

This time around, i am pregnant with a little girl. (different father. Please do not judge). I would like to keep her last name the same as mine. But the father is completely old school and believes it should be his last name, though i am opposed. I am worried he is trying to control this hardcore!!! I would like to be married before my daughter takes HIS LAST NAME.. I cant even have his last name, due to him not following through a divorce with his "current" wife.. (its a very very very long, complicated explanation)...(dont ask please).. I know i have the right to name the baby whatever MY heart feels is right.

ANY suggestions on how to handle, or talk to the father about this...again?????for the 5th time?!. At times i just wanna do what i want, but i feel like im disrespecting him.

Btw. Im 32 weeks....