Is she flirting with him?

This is kind of long, but the other night I was at my boyfriend's garage and his friend hank came over with his new girlfriend (they're both 17, my bf and I are 20). I met her the night before for a few seconds and she seemed okay. Well that night when they came over she came running into the garage, skipped over to my bf to show him a stuffed animal she bought. *Keep in mind she's wearing a low cut top that's tight around the boobs then loose around the stomach and only comes up to her belly button and her tits and bra hanging out.* so after that hank and my bf started working on a jeep. She hardly talked to her own bf only talked to mine and was all giddy and giggly. Kept asking him if he needed anything or needed help. Then he asked me if i could grab him a jack, before I could stand up she was up out of her chair, grabbed the jack, then rode it over to him like a scooter with her tits pressed together. Later that night hank and my bf left to get a tranny jack and it was just me and her, she hardly said a single word to me the entire time they were gone. The only thing she emphasised was that my bf called her to come over. Which isn't true, he called hank to come over and he said idk you'll have to ask my gf, so hank handed the phone to her. He did not specifically call her like she said. When they came back she was talk and giggly again, kept asking my bf if he needed help or needed anything. Finally they left and she said really loud "byeeee Blake!!". Is she flirting with him or am I just over reacting? I didn't exaggerate this or add anything. This is exactly what happen. I would love everyone's opinion bc my bf said she wasn't flirting, and if she was he didn't notice. I know for a fact he wouldn't cheat on me, we've been together for 3 years, but it's her I don't trust.

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