Breech Baby - Scheduled C-section

My baby boy, Connor, arrived on August 29th and he's amazing. I wanted to share my experience with a scheduled c-section because I was so nervous before mine. Sorry it's so long! :) 
At 37 weeks I found out from the ultrasound that my baby was frank breech (butt towards cervix and legs straight up). I went 37 weeks thinking I would have a natural birth and then all of a sudden that plan was thrown out the window and we had to schedule a c-section for 2 weeks later at 49 weeks. I was shocked and so emotional! But I knew it was the safest way to deliver my baby. 
We went in early in the morning and checked in, I changed into a robe and they hooked up my IV with a fluids bag (hydrating since you can't eat/drink for 8 hours before). Then they took me to the operating room and took my husband to the post op room until he could come in. That was the longer 15 minutes ever!! Being away from my husband in the scary OR made me so nervous I had hyper tension. The nurse helped keep me calm and gave me tissues because I was silently crying. The anesthesiologist walked me through everything with the spinal tap and it wasn't at all as bad as I was thinking it would be. He did a local anesthetic before doing the spinal. Then I laid down and I started to feel my feet get warm and then my legs were tingly and soon I couldn't feel anything but slight pressure. Finally they brought my husband in! Thank god! Haha he held my hand and kept my focus on him. My doctor was great and had Pandora playing with the station I wanted (Jack Johnson). The anesthesiologist walked me through everything that happened with the surgery... My husband kept peeking behind the curtain! Gross! Haha. I felt tugging and pulling and then heard them talking about getting the butt out first and bam... I heard his cry! My husband went over to be with him while his vitals were taken and then they brought him over to me and put him on my chest. It was so overwhelming and so emotional. I was so happy to have him here and all the scariness of the c-section melted away. He was perfect. Even with his breech baby frog legs haha. 
Then my husband went with the baby to the post op room and they stitched me up and wheeled me over to meet them. I got to do my skin to skin and try nursing for the first time in the hour there before moving to recovery. Besides some bouts of nausea post-surgery everything was great afterward. 
We spent 3 nights in the hospital. First 24 hours was strange still being hooked up to the IV and catheter. Then I got to get all the tubes out and got to take my first walk to the bathroom- scared as shit but it went well haha. Didn't poop for 5 days because all the drugs and the was like giving birth the boulders!  I went off the narcotic drugs for pain after less than 2 weeks and switched to just Advil for the soreness. Still no exersize, sex or heavy lifter for 6 weeks, but able to get around and take care of my baby and do chores just fine. 
I hope I can experience natural birth with my next baby, but if I have another c-section I'm ok with that too! Either way, I experienced the birth of my son and he came out safe and healthy.