
Sky • Whatever will be, will be
Hello guys, so I have a problem. I'm 15 and I've recently decided to go Vegan last month. My whole life I've been eating nothing but meat and other animal products with out even thinking twice about what even goes in any of it. Last school year, we did a unit on food and the type of stuff we should be eating and he how it affects our health, and the animal cruelty that goes into the food we do eat. After the unit was over, I did a little studying myself and decided it was time to make a change. At first it was going really well, I had no cravings for meat or other animal products at all, but now, a month later, I'm starting to crave all those things again and I've been beginning to mess up. I keep thinking about all the foods I use to eat and how good they tasted but I know it's wrong. I really don't want to contribute to the suffering of animals but I just don't really know how to control myself. I just want to know if there's any vegans on here who suffered from this themselves when they first turned vegan and how did you learn to control it? Or just any tips would help really.