Idk what I'm feelin. My ex and I (of 7yrs) broke up he has a son that was made before me then we started dating (they were never dating) we met his son together a yr ago. We instantly bonded (No bm drama) I go pick him up from his mom and we chit chat (we aren't friends) I always had his son when we were together (we lived together and he has a room here at the home we shared) My ex & I broke up (due to him being unfaithful) his son loves me to death and I love him. He is now dating (he says he's single,but he's hanging the girl he was cheating with) so I say that's his GF. I always have his son "still" just like before it's like we coparent (a child that I'm not the mother of even though I call him my son) I still love my ex the break up is still kinda new (end of July 2016) it hurts. I get his son because he asks for me I specifically says he wants to be with me and go home (our house) although his dad isn't here.  I feel kinda used tho I'm still doing these gf duties and I'm not even his gf. I'm playing stepmom while he's out with the whore (But I do it for the little boy I don't wanna punish him) it's so hard now because an innocent child is involved. Our entire family is involved I have his 15yr sister over now she wanted to stay the night. How will I ever move on? What do I do??