perfect guy... oh wait.

Ok so i found the sweetest guy and have been dating him for awhile. Hes so gentle and shy.... Hes rlly a catch. Im a virgin and hes super understanding, which i never thought id ever find cuz all guys wanna do is rush. He loves his family and hes just overall perfect for me. Theirs just one thing. I was stalking his facebook and found out that him and his gf just broke up recently. They had a long relationship, she moved away and apparently his friends didnt like her and she was super spoiled and snobby. Its just they dated for two years and ik their families probably got close, being that i saw facebook pics of them at each others family events. They broke up because they had many fights and issues. However I was crying before because i dont wanna be a rebound, he told me im not yet i dont think he knows that i know how recent they broke up. Hes seriously so sweet idk what to do. Am i just over thinking? I really want a serious relationship and i think he might be the one to take my virginity because of his sweet personality but im just nervous because of this damn ex. Help ):