10 days old- SPOILED.❤️😂

Brittanie • Ariel Diana Nichole was born 9/7/16😊 Pregnant with my 2nd 💕
So before I went to take a shower, I fed Ariel. No yucky diaper, perfect, right? All of a sudden she decided to throw the BIGGEST fit. It honestly sounded like someone was trying to hurt her... I immediately thought, what in the world?! Then my brain kicked into mommy mode. "It's night time Brittanie. Put her footie pjs on..." As soon as I had her pjs zipped up, she was quiet as a mouse and sound asleep. Just had to share how funny this was that she threw the biggest fit over her pjs. 😂❤️ #spoiled 
P.s- they HAVE to either be fuzzy button ups or footie zip ups. 🙄