boyfriend moved, broke up with me, ended on good terms- now he's reaching out to me?

I'm going to apologize in advance for the length of this post...
Here's the background on what happened & is happening right now...
I was in a relationship this summer with a man who moved to California. I’m planning on moving out there in 2 years when I’m done with school anyways so I figured a Long Distance Relationship would be ok. His dad is a pilot too so he could visit me whenever and I could visit him whenever. We talked about it and he said he would make it work because he was falling in love with me, he trusted me… He asked me if I would move out there when I was done with school and I told him I would if we were still together. So I figured we would try this out. When I came back from Disney before he left… He told me he doesn’t know if he can handle the distance.. Doesn’t know if he trusts himself (I had to get that out of him sort of).. He asked about doing the no commitment thing and in two years get back together, which honestly hurt me. I told him that, that wasn’t fair to me blah blah blah. He ended up crying when we said our goodbyes and he called me and told me to come over because he was so upset and wanted to see me so I did. He asked me if I still wanted to go to his cousins wedding and I was back and fourth about it for awhile. I decided to go which was that Sunday. His family took pictures of us and whatever and me and him talked. He asked if I would really never speak to him again and I told him I would have to move on so yeah… He said he didn’t want to lose me and he wanted to try to make it work. The day after the wedding he left for California but wanted me to come by and say goodbye, so I did. Two days go by and he sends me a text saying something along the lines of… he doesn’t trust himself when he’s out there if he’s put in certain situations (his friends more than likely… Would be adding too it). He said he wants to be loyal but he doesn’t want anything to break the trust that we have…. Something like that. He also said he’s not ready to settle down yet blah blah blah… (Which I’m only 22 and he turns 24 next week, I’m not thinking about marriage any time soon so I didn’t understand that). We left on good terms… And I told him if it’s good timing for me and wants to try it again he could let me know. He told me also I was the best girlfriend he’s ever had…. 
We were good for each other and both extremely happy……. 
He says he still loves me and cares about me 
I sent him a birthday text on his birthday which was Wednesday and the conversation went like this
Me: Happy Birthday
Him: Thank You :)
Him: Thank You :)
Me: I think you sent that twice
Him: I have no service and I'm at drakes concert
Me: that's cool. Enjoy
Him: thank yaa . 
I sent him a birthday text because I know it's the right thing to do and we didn't end on bad terms or anything, even though I did delete him off of social media because it just makes it easier for me to move on and I explained that to him too. I guess I'm just disappointed that he didn't ask how school was going or how I'm doing.... 
A week later he texts me 
Him: I miss ya, hope your doing ok 
Doing great. 
Me: Good to hear from you, heading into dinner, keep in touch
Him: Ok, I'm at the Olympia in Vegas rn having a good time just thinking about ya. Nice FB pic btw, that guys hand looks good around your waist haha 😜
(Side note, I cropped him out out my profile picture on Facebook because it's a good picture of me lol) 
Me: It was a summer 16 accessory, used to look good then moved on to fall apparel-but I changed it today actually 👸🏼
Him: Damn, that's weird bc I heard that color was in all year round🤔
Him: Damn but u look good af in that new pic 
I was in a funk after this, I didn't know what to say so I just kind of left it.
This morning I woke up to texts from him
Him: Word no answer I see how it is
Him: Im sitting here trying to be nice and reach out to you and maintain being on good terms and ur just gonna be mad short with me on purpose.. Like ok 
Him: I really do miss you.. Wish u didn't have to he like that. Talk to u whenever I guess.
How I'm feeling right now: I don't know what to say... I miss him, and I do care about him and think about him every day. Obviously I want to be with him, but I cannot be friends with him or be in an open relationship with him. I don't know why but I just can't...
Please someone help me