Crazy labor day

When I went into labor it was a crazy day!! First let's start on the couple weeks leading up to labor. I was nesting so bad that I vacuumed our two flights of stairs for an hour and a half! I had to get everything little hair and into every crevice. I was doing this twice a week. When I had packed my hospital bag I stuffed stuff into zip lock baggies and labeled them with what was in them. I swear I had everything! Also every single night I was having a dream of going into labor. I would tell my boyfriend's mom and she just would say I'm over thinking it. I would tell her about the strange different things that I was sure were signs leading up to labor. WELL TURNS OUT I WAS RIGHT! We went into my doctors appointment August 31st to find out I was  dilated to a 3. Doctor said I could be at that for weeks and not to worry. We left to go to another hospital because my boyfriend's grandma fell down and broke her hip. (My contractions started at 2:30p.m) as she was being taken into surgery we were rushing out to drive back to our hospital. My contractions were already 2 minutes apart. We ended up getting stuck in rush hour traffic scared I was going to have a road side baby! We almost got in several accidents as well. When we got to the hospital and got me into my room my boyfriend's sister was taking my sign in form to the front desk to end up stuck in the elevator for 5 minutes. When her mom and my boyfriend went to get her out she had got it and came to my room just got them to get stuck in the same elevator! Not even 5 minutes later the fire alarm and all the doors were locking when everyone was back in my room. We had to idea what was going on, but after talking to a nurse we found out someone in the psych area had started a fire. Now when I officially was having my son the next morning I couldn't feel a thing! They had to tell me when to push and everything lol.