How do you get over the love of your life? Or do you?

It's been exactly one month since my fiancé and I split up. We were perfect for each other in so many ways...we had issues but who doesn't? To make a long story short, our break up wasn't very mutual - he wasn't happy anymore and was tired of "fighting" for our relationship. I, on the other hand, felt we could've done more. We both hurt each other emotionally, yet unintentionally, throughout our 3 year relationship, and ultimately he found his "way out" in the end. Since our split, I've kept busy with work, gym, etc but it's not enough to keep my mind off him. It really hits me hard when I come everyday to the house I bought a few months ago for us with the intention of making it our home. I'm reminded of him constantly by people, places, and things. We haven't had any contact since our break up, and part of me wishes he would reach out to me but the other part knows that he harbors too much pride and ego to do so. I'm really struggling with this. Have any of you ladies had to get over the love of your life? How did you do it? How long did it take? I'm not a believer in the saying that time heals all me, time takes away the sting but the scar will always remain.