

My dog wokeup in the middle of the night to pee outside so i let him out and while im outside i see my fiance walking towards me so i make conversation with him .. and the more closely i look the weirder it gets.. it wasent my fiance coming towards me it was a shadow .. and i was wide awake too. After that i couldnt sleep for like 2 hours.. 👀 has it happened to anyone?
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If we as humans would be aware of how many bad spirits are around us, or after us..we would go crazy, so thats why God doesn't allow us to see much of it. as we can't take it. 


Proud💁🏽Mom • Sep 18, 2016
This ☝️


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Girlll I would of woke up my fiancé get my dog and runnn lol fuck that 😂


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This happened to me the other night. I haven't been able to re-enact it since 


👻 • Jan 13, 2017
Well the ugly grandma filter is now happening on my lamp


Sofia • Jan 12, 2017
It's because the fan is moving lol my snapchat does this to my fan 😂😂😂😂😂


👻 • Sep 18, 2016
So the butterfly/flower crown filter showed up over the baby swing last night. Absolutely NOTHING is there to even get mistaken as a face


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I've seen and experienced so many ghosts and unexplainable things in my life. That's why when someone makes the comments of "ghosts aren't real" I just stare at them. But you are not crazy, what you saw was really there.


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It happened to me a few times, first time I was around 16 and I had just lay down in bed in our hotel room. I turned over to face the bathroom and crouched on the floor was this black shadow not far from my bed. It was a perfect silouette of a person. I froze and couldn't shout, eventually it moved it's head towards my direction and I managed to scream to my dad to turn the light on which he did and it was gone. I've also suffered from sleep paralysis in the are wide awake only you cannot move or shout out. I saw black shadows that move around the room and climb onto the bed, they kiss you and touch you etc. It's the most fearful thing I've ever had to experience. One day I went for a lay down, I felt it looming on me the paralysis, the shadow came to my bed and threw me onto the floor, I actually was on the's not happened for years but a client of mine said when she was around 9 years old she went into the living room to watch TV in the morning. She saw a black shadow come into the living room, it took a cigarette and walked back down the hall way to the bedrooms. I asked her if her gran maybe had a black male over visiting but she insisted nobody was there, no people of colour lived in her town!


Mi • Feb 15, 2018
Oh god. This sounds scary.


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I kept telling my hubby that our house was haunted. He didn't believe me. Then one day he was home alone and he started hearing weird things. He also sees ghost in our room at bedtime. He doesn't think I'm crazy anymore. We have good chats about the ghost


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Umm that's freaky


Jasmine 🥀 • Sep 17, 2016
I would have been so scared.


da • Sep 17, 2016
I know, i swore it was my fiance walking to me but it was a shadow .. i was tweaking trying to see if i was crazy or what. But it was a shadow.. they call those shadow people


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I did . It was shaped like a person but it was a shadow .. I was young when this happened .


Lu • Sep 1, 2018
What the heck... I used to see the same thing when I was a child. I remember the shadow stood where the light switch was, by the door. So I was always scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I remember this one time I just HAD to go, and you would expect the shadow to disappear the closer you got.. But no. The shadow was a solid black figure. You couldn’t see any features. But by the outline of the shadow, I could tell they wore a hat and a coat/cloak. The shadow never did anything to me. Just stood in the same spot every night. I do not see shadows anymore, and I still don’t know what that was all about. I feel like kids and animals can see things that adults can’t. And I’m not talking about ghosts, I’m talking about shadow people.


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My sister and her friend saw one leaving a coffee shop late on a rainy and dark night while going to the van my mom drive to pick them up. Story: They were walking to the van and at the same time they jumped and backed away and Millie said she saw a girl leaning against the van and she looked real and they thought it wasn't their car because she was there and grace said she saw her too but didn't mention it because she thought it was just her, and they said when they looked up again she was gone and there was no way that it could be a reflection and mom said she was waiting for them and looking out the window and they both jumped and backed away in fright at the same time and she said she saw nothing at the same time that they saw her leaving against the window