Facial Herpes....HELP!!!

Ok, so I've had facial herpes for about two weeks now and it just looks like a rash or pink blotch on my face... (No more scabs) so I know it's clearing up...

But my husband just yelled at me about it and say's it doesn't take that long to get rid of. Said I was being lazy about it... What does he know...he's been gone for the past week!

Anyways, I've been putting stuff on it (alternating every 2-3 days) to clear it up cause I hate the way it looks...and it hurts!

I've used abreva, some stuff I bought online (cream payayor) and even used bag balm. Every day. Don't know what else to do. I'm positive it's clearing up but my husband doesn't think so. 😕

Idk Sorry, guess I just had to vent about it.