Friends, Online dating, and strict mom?

So I'm 18 a college student and my mother doesn't want me going out. Yes lol at 18 and a college student. I attend school near home so I don't live in the dorms I stay at home. I go out every now and then maybe 3 times a year if not that and never had a real boyfriend even when at 16 I was allowed to.  Now I've reached the age where I want to go out more. I have more friends and there's even this 1 guy I met online that I like and wanna meet. Problem is, my mom won't let me. My sister at 18 was able to go on dates at her school she didn't meet until earlier that day. So here I am sitting home on a Saturday doing nothing but watching spongebob and doing nothing because my mom told me no to going out today.  She claims I'm meeting with people she doesn't know and it's not safe. I've met plenty of guys online and nothing ever happened to me. I know to meet them in public I know to tell people where I'm going and when I anticipate on returning home. But see, she hates online dating. She claims only crazy people with issues that they can't meet someone at school or work meet people off the internet. How do I convince her to let me meet him and hang out with some friends? I'm desperate now I'm so bored and sick of being treated like a child!