Question for lesbian couples

J • 30 | 🇨🇦 | 🧡 | ✈️
So I'm straight but I'm genuinely curious- in a same sex relationship, when one person feels ready to propose they get an engagement ring. In a lesbian (or gay too I suppose) relationship after the engagement do both women wear engagement rings? I'm assuming it varies between couples depending on preference but what are your experiences with that? 
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My now wife proposed to me and then shortly after I bought her an engagement ring as well. Now we both wear those plus wedding bands! Not sure if you can tell in this pic! We have friends who only one wore an engagement ring and then chose to just get a wedding band like a straight couple though


Dani • Sep 18, 2016
Gorgeous ladies! This looks a bridal magazine cover.


⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Sep 18, 2016
Just gotta say that I love your hair! Short-hair-don't-care-club! ❤️


Autumn • Sep 18, 2016
thank you so much!!! 💜


Posted at
I'm a jeweler and it definitely varies between the couples and what each person likes. Typically both of them wear an engagement/wedding ring and the style depends on what the person likes. Personally, I've usually sold the engagement ring to the person proposing and then they will later come get an engagement ring for themselves. 


Posted at
Hello, married lesbian. My wife proposed to me and I only wore an engagement ring until we got married and she just has a band. 


Posted at
My wife proposed to me. She did not wear an engagement ring only I did. Now that we are married she wears a band. This varies from couple to couple though.