how much formula?

So our sitter is awesome but she told hubs our almost 12 week daughter is eating between 6-8oz each feeding. I was shocked because at home she only eats between 3-4oz at each feeding with us. During the weekends we mainly just breastfeed as often as she wants so I don't really keep the morning and before bed she gets between 2-ounces of formula though. Anyway so my question is, how much are your 12 week olds eating? Does 6-8ounces seem too much? 
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Our 12 week old drinks between 3 and 4 ounces of breast milk every 2.5 to 3.5 hours.


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My daughter is almost 14 weeks old and she eats 7-8 ounces every 4-5 hours during the day. She sleeps from about 9pm-7am


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Ladies can I just say how awesome you all are! Thank you for the amazing responses! You've helped put me at ease and helped me figure out what might be going on! I will inquire further on Friday! Thanks ladies!!!


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Are they pace feeding them? He could be gulpignit down too fast and not knowing they are full. 


Brittany • Sep 21, 2016
I don't know. I wonder if that's the problem. I mean she pitched a fit once we take the bottle away from her at three but as soon as she is done burping she is fine usually..if she isn't we know one more is probably needed. I may inquire more on Friday to get a sense of what she is doing...


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To clarify, we give about 4 oz at a time because we stop to burp him


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My son is almost 4 months and could take 6-8 oz of formula if we'd let him.


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Mine is only on formula and eats 7-8oz 4 times a day. It's not too much if she's not spitting it back up. You might just be cutting her off a little early with the small bottles... It only means she'll eat more frequently with you, but she could probably take more. 


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We are at 3 oz every 3-4 hrs. But I have the same issue when she's with the sitter. She eats more often. I love our sitter but I think she's over feeding her bc she doesn't know her cues. She cries and fights sleep for a few minutes and I think the sitter thinks she's hungry but I figure if she was too full she would spit up. So we will just deal with it for now. 


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I was just saying this last night. My son is fed both. and I feel like whenever I'm working he's overfed! But for me he breastfeeds at night if he wakes up. During the day when I'm home I breastfeed when he wants and give maybe 4 formula bottles a day (I have supply issues and he doesn't get enough from just me. He had weight gain issues when ebf.)im guessing with breastfeeding he gets 28-32oz a day


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My baby eats less with me for some reason 3-4 oz, but will do 4-6 with others. Maybe I can just tell when she is full and my husband and mom don't know the signals as well. I also breastfeed and top off with formula and I've heard that when babies can smell your milk they eat less formula because they're holding out for more breastfeeding.