First Round of Clomid and Provera

I have PCOS. This past Thursday I started my first round of Provera, and once my period starts I start my first round of Clomid on CD 3. We have been trying for 2 years (one MC 13 months ago) but I just now found a doctor that takes us seriously, we're only 20 so most thought we were too young 🙄. I'm just wondering, what can I do to make time go faster?!? I am so excited, nervous, and anxious that I can't think about anything else! Butterflies 24/7! So much in my life has been going good lately, we found an awesome doctor that sent me home with clomid all in one appointment, my insurance is going to cover my treatment, we moved somewhere nicer, upgraded to an SUV from our tiny little Sonic, found out a pretty good chunk of money is fixing to come our way, and our marriage has just been great in general... so I'm worried that my streak of luck won't last. Is it normal to have this many emotions going on??? Maybe it's the Provera? I only have 2-3 periods a year on my own so I'm not exactly used to having regular people hormones lol