Just turned 8 weeks

I just turned 8 weeks today. I can't help but feel worried. I get anxious every time I think of the babies health.
I went in for my first scan at 6w2d (almost two weeks ago) and everything was fine. Babies heart was beating and it was amazing! 
I'm due to go in for another scan not this week, but the following (I'll be 9w2d)... And I can't help but to feel nervous, anxious, scared to get bad news.
Maybe I feel this way because of a previous miscarriage - I went in for my 9 week first scan and there was just an empty sac and needed a d&c.
Is anyone else feeling like this? I'm happy and greatful - but there are just times that I get this empty hole in my stomach when I think about anything bad happening to my baby. I wish I could just stop feeling this way and think 100% possitive - that's my goal for the following week.