Getting steroid shots today. 33 weeks with B/G twins

Jaime • Had our boy/girl twins at 35 weeks on September 30th. They are healthy and perfect!!!
Hi ladies, I've developed preeclampsia so am getting my first round of steroid shots today. I'm really rocking my double chin and chubby face 😁
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 I was hospitalized with preeclampsia at 32.5 with b/g twins. I was able to keep them cooking until my water broke at 36.1. I spent a total of 26 days in the hospital (including after babies were born). My labs were checked twice a week, had twice daily nst's, blood pressures checked every 4 hours (etc). It wasn't an easy few weeks but I'm glad I made it to where I did, as both babies came home with me. My babies are now 2.5 weeks old and doing great! Good luck 


Laura • Sep 24, 2016
He was about 24 hours old and spent 2 weeks there.


Laura • Sep 24, 2016
I had a nearly identical experience! I developed preeclampsia and was inpatient bedrest for 2w3days. Had the babies at 35w2days. Got my steroid shots the first two days I was in the hospital. My little girl came home from the hospital with me. My son ended up going to the special care nursery when


Jaime • Sep 21, 2016
Wow! You poor gal:( That sounds like a struggle but you should be so proud keeping them as long as you did! That is my goal! Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it


Posted at
Lol you look great, I pray you have a good remainder of your pregnancy and they stay cooking long enough to come with minimum NICU if not any at all 


Jaime • Sep 27, 2016
Thanks love! So far, so good! I'm hoping to keep them for another week at least :)


Posted at
You look great and good luck mama! I had steroid shots at 33 weeks as well and it really helped the girls when they arrived at 35w3d😊👍


Lara • Sep 26, 2016
I sure was! Had two preterm scars but it was oligo that forced my early induction. And thank you! We are so happy they are here and had no NICU time. You got this momma😊


Jaime • Sep 26, 2016
Thanks Lara! You were able to cook them a couple weeks longer too? I loved the pics of your babies :) Congratulations!


Posted at
You look great. I got steroid injections at 31 and 5 days and 31 and 6 and ended up having them on 32 and 3. I think that's why they are doing so well now to be honest. Good luck! 


Jaime • Sep 25, 2016
Thanks Amanda! Congratulations again on your triplet cutie pies!!


Posted at
How are you today!?


Lauree • Sep 21, 2016
Yes, I'm ready to be done! Lol


Lauree • Sep 21, 2016
Oh good. Glad you're hanging in there!!


Jaime • Sep 21, 2016
Hi Lauree! You're so sweet:) Doing pretty well, just in a sort of holding pattern. My doc said we'll weigh the risk of keeping them cooking and delivering based on my labs and blood pressure. I've improved a bit so hopefully I can wait another week. How are you? Feeling stretched to the max? 😜


Posted at
You look great! The steroids injection isn't quite as bad as they make out is it....I hope you can get through a little longer


Rebecca • Sep 20, 2016
I started getting some on the inside of my arm thank goodness I'm nearly done!


Jaime • Sep 20, 2016
Haha! I actually have some on my thighs! Bright red ones 😁


Rebecca • Sep 20, 2016
Oh and I an so jealous of your stretch marks 😮 mine looks like a road map!


Posted at
Good luck to you!!!   I've been following your progress!   Hope you can bake those twinsies a little longer!


Jaime • Sep 19, 2016
Thanks Lauree! You and I are in the same week:) I hope you're feeling well and relaxing a bit!


Posted at
Good luck mama ❤️❤️


Jaime • Sep 19, 2016
Thanks Cortney!