Getting Married Young--Rant

Courtney • Wife and mama
My fiancé and I are both 19, and we're getting married in June of 2017 and at that point we'll both be 20. I'm so sick of people telling us that we're too young to get married. No one has absolutely any say about it we're ready to get married except us. We both have good paying full time jobs and live on our own. Our parents don't pay for anything for us. I've been dating my fiancé for 3 years and when we get married it will be just short of 4. But yet the people telling us we're too young are people who think it's okay to date someone for three months and get married because their 25. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that, just an example!) I am constantly hearing that we are just too young to get married and I'm just so sick of it! 
I just really needed to get that out of my system 🙄