what would you do (trigger)?

Sally • 21. Mother of a princess ❤️
I recently found out I'm pregnant. My little one is 3 months old and has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. This disorder has no cure, toxic chemicals build up in the brain and she continues to have seizures till she seizes to thrive.  Friday will confirm if it's really this disorder through genetic testing. If it comes back positive it means both my hubby and I are carriers and every pregnancy will be a 1/4 chance to have a child like my little one. I've contacted many hospitals trying to get the closest appointment but none are willing to take me before October. With the genetic testing and all I might be around 16 to 20 weeks with an answer on whether this pregnancy will be like my previous one or not and they can offer me an abortion then. I feel so conflicted, I don't want to have an an abortion so late into the pregnancy. At the same time, I don't think I have the strength to go through what I'm going through right now.