Sexuality/Gender Labels

I'm not tired AT ALL by people accepting who they are and being specific about what they're sexuality and gender labels are. You do you everyone! Just because you've never heard a term before, doesn't make it dumb. Just because a concept is new doesn't make it ridiculous. It just means we now have more labels for what has been going on for centuries. Several cultures have recognized that there are more than two genders. It has taken an accepting community and soul searching along with scientific research to allow us to reach the level of enlightenment that we have reached.

I identify as a bisexual female, but if I'm being really honest with myself? That's probably all wrong. If I sit down and really think about who I am, I'm likely more of pansexual heteroromantic genderfluid. But most people just won't understand it. So many can't accept that sexuality and romantic connects aren't the same thing or that gender is a much more complex issue than just biology (sex). So yeah I'll keep with the simple labels for the simple fact that I don't want to deal with the crap I'll get if I'm honest to others about who I am. I am in NO WAY ashamed of who I am, honestly I'm just too lazy to argue with everyone in my life about who I am. I know who I am and no label is going to change that.

Love who you are all of you lovely PEOPLE. Labels won't make you happy and labels won't define you. You define you. Your actions define you. Hold true to who you are and live life. Be happy and stay safe everyone. Sending my love to all of you lovely people 💞