Am I in the wrong?

Okay ladies, 
My SO and I have been together for about two years now. We talked for the longest time throughout high school through our church and finally made it official when I was of age and had my mothers go-ahead. 
We have a great relationship but for the past 5 or 6 months we have been arguing quite a bit. And mainly over very small things that shouldn't matter. Well about months ago, I caught him on Tinder (I guess it's a dating app, my friend told me all about it). I was absolutely heartbroken and furious. How in the world could he throw away everything that we have?! 
I decided it was best for me to ask him why he did it rather than just instantly getting angry and doing something I could ultimately regret. He explained that he never wanted to hurt me and so he pointed out that we hadn't been spending very much time together between our jobs (me working night shift and him day shift) and that he felt very isolated and alone and unloved. I obviously felt horrible about that but did not let it slide. We agreed to seek counseling as we both agreed he may need to just talk to someone about it. I no longer work night shifts and we both have the weekends and nights together again. Well the arguing got worse and worse. About 2 months after the first incident he did it again. Except this time not only did I find out about tinder, I also found very risqué messeges between him and other women on Craigslist. Hundreds of them with plans to meet up on the side of the road to have sex. I was absolutely furious and mad at myself for staying With him after the first time. I should've known he'd do it again. Well we talked it through and he does private and marriage counseling 2 times a week and it's all reported back to me on how the session went (he tells me) and right now things seem to be good. Well until this morning, he left for work at about 7:30 and just about 30 mins ago I get a message on his profile from a girl on instagram, saying "I want to catch up! Text me sometime 555-555-5555 as long as it won't get you in trouble. I don't want to cause any issues with your lady!"
Now I called him and said I don't mind if you text this girl she seems to be an old friend I see her comment on our posts so I don't mind just don't delete the texts. I won't read them it'll just make me feel better knowing that you have nothing to hide in these texts" and that's when he started yelling and saying some awful things just pointing out that I am in the wrong. 
My question is am I really in the wrong for asking that of him? 
Thanks again for reading this!!