Pregnant, Stressed, and Depressed

I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with my first child, a little girl. In the last few weeks of my pregnancy I have been depressed, crying uncontrollably at times. The biggest issue that is bothering me is that I don't want to bring our baby back to my husbands parents house. It's not very clean, crowded, and noisy with children running in out of rooms. My husband knows how I feel, but kinds of brushes it off like it's not a big deal. I want a clean, safe, and calm environment to bring our baby home to. My parents have offered to let us come live with them, until we can properly save to get a place of our own. But of course my husband refuses and won't put his pride aside for the sake of our child or my mental well-being. I can't nest cause I don't want to be here anymore. My anxiety and depression improve when I'm away from the house, but I dread coming back. I've tried talking to my husband about us moving, but he has yet to make an effort to do so. I feel trapped and overwhelmed. I wish my husband would grow up and be a man and try to improve our situation. I don't want to leave him, but if I have to I will. I want the best start in life for our little girl.