starting to get a little worried now 😳

Okay so here's my story :
I had a chemical pregnancy last month ! My period was due aug 15th but I guess the egg didn't attach correctly so that pregnancy ended the 19th according to my dr! 
Bd every other day on fertile days! A week later started getting same symptoms as last month! Sore boobs aches in boobs that I can't describe ! Cramps that started the 11th and haven't ended up until now! Feels like I'm about to start my period and wear a pad everyday to work just in case because I be so sure that it's about to start ! So now I am 5 days late on period!!! Took every pregnancy test from the cheapies to the expensive ones and all BFN! 
I'm just so frustrated because I want to try again but my period isn't coming on and my cervix is VERY high and hard and closed usually when af is on the way my cervix is super low! 
Anybody experienced this? I'm so confused! If no AF by Friday (8days late) I'm gonna go back to my dr! 
I HAVE 30-31 day cycles!Â