Loss of baby at 6.5 weeks

I found out I was pregnant with our second baby on August 28th and my husband and I were over the moon about it. My last pregnancy was very rough on us, as we were only 21-22 and definitely not ready to be parents. Our daughter was born at 29 weeks due to full placental abruption but was VERY lucky and is now a bright 3 year old. This new pregnancy started out as a walk in the park for me...no morning sickness, feeling awesome and ready to be a parent again. Then on September 18th I woke up not quite feeling right, just not feeling pregnant. Then an hour later I started spotting and cramping so we went to urgent care where they took some blood and told me to come back the next day. Monday, the 19th, I started bleeding a little more and the doctor ordered an ultrasound to check on baby. My husband and I were overjoyed to see our little baby in the womb with its little heartbeat. The tech said everything seemed to check out fine and baby was measuring just at 6 weeks. 2 hours later, I started bleeding a lot and out came my little baby. We are devastated that things can change so fast and loss of life is nothing you can escape from. We planted a flower bush in the baby's honor, and named the baby daphne, as that is the flower she is buried under. We will never know who the baby was going to be, but they will always be with us.