TMI TMI TMI Norlevo pill and Discharge

Hey guys! I seriously need help, I'm not too sure what's happening. So my period was supposed to start today the 20th, as <a href="">Eve</a> stated (but my cycle is not always accurate). My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex (but still pulled out) on the 17th. About 5 hours after we went to go get the norlevo pill and I drank it before I went to bed. Now I know it says that it can delay your period up to a week and make you feel sick and give you a headache and so on, but im not really sure If it should carry on for 3 days. My discharge was clear until today when it became milky, I then noticed that there was a lump/clot/clump of hard white discharge(about the size of a pinky nail). I'm not too sure what's going on and if I should just wait for my period or consult a doctor or take a pregnancy test. Im really not sure at all and I was hoping I might get some help from The Glow community.

Sorry for the long and descriptive read, just thought that I might get some answers here.