Finally told a friend I'm pregnant

I'm 10 weeks 1 day today and I decided to tell one of my close friend. I've hadn't wanted to tell anyone cause I announced my last pregnancy and misscarried a week later. Anyways I'm still nervous about something happening but baby was fine at last weeks ultrasound and I have a Doppler at home that I use every few days to hear the heartbeat so I felt comfortable enough to tell just her. I expected her to be excited cause as nervous as I may be I'm excited I've made it this far. Instead she seemed like a fake excited and right away asked if I've gone to the dr if everything was ok and that I should wait until 13 weeks for sure to announce. I mean I get last time things didn't end well, I expected a little of nerves from her as well as she's my close friend but I didn't expect her to be so cautious and unexcited. Maybe I'm just emotional right now. But now I just really don't wanna tell anyone else. Just needed to vent it out thanks if you read all of that.