

Hey there, I need some inspiration right now. So a little back story, me and my husband have been together for 5 years, we have been trying for almost 4years to have a baby. I have 2 healthy babies from previous relationship, back in 2012 I had an ectopic pregnancy, it ruptured my fallopian tube and I nearly died. After that me and my husband tried and tried with no success. Finally after 3 years we got a positive but that ended with a miscarriage, 5 miscarriages later and lots of doctor's appointments and blood work still no luck. Doctors say its not me, i dont have any underlying health issues.

Well for the last 3-4 weeks I felt pregnant, at first I kept it to myself not telling my husband. Kept telling myself it was just me wanting, its all in my head. Then as I started getting more and more symptoms (sore bigger breast, feeling so tired, occasionally nauseated, feeling so bloated all the time) I finally decided to tell my husband mind you this was before a missed period. So now as of today I am 8 days late and have had 3 negative pregnancy test. The first 2 I thought was too early but i took the third one today thinking for sure I'd get the positive and it was negative. I did do it in the middle of the day but being this late I didnt think it would matter. I had gotten a new symptom as of yesterday(lots and lots of CM) I did use a dollar store brand all 3 times so maybe thats why but for my miscarriages that what i used and got positives so I dont know. I feel crazy and emotional! Has anyone else experienced this? Am I crazy? :(