Ive posted about this before... But help! Family drama!!

I know this is really off topic... But i have been sooooooo stressed.. My stepson is 8 almost 9. And his mother gave him a half dose of her zanaflex(muscle relaxer) AND an ADULT BENADRYL together to help him sleep.. My stepson has admitted this to his doctor, a social worker,to me and his dad and his therapist.. But guess what?? The judge almost gave custody back to his mom because my stepson said his dad yells at him. Which is true to an extent.... He gets upset because my stepson won't eat his dinner or he cries at the drop of a hat. My stepson defends his mother like shes the perfect person which is expected. .. But we also alleged that she sells her prescribed medications out of her home... Which we have proof.. And nothing has been done.. Nothing at all. We have 50/50 custody. Oh! And she drinks while taking her prescribed pain killers... She got violent one night and told my stepson and his uncle to get the f*** up out of her home. And broke a window with a beer bottle. And shes now done it again!!! Im so afraid shes going to get violent with my stepson and hurt him or od him on meds. Hes even told his therapist that he is afraid to go to his moms because hes came home from school to find her so passed out on pills that he couldnt wake her up..How should we deal with this???? Noone will help at all! And now a friend who used to live there went to get her dog and they had locked the dog up in a truck with the windows up and no water! My step son said they put the dog in the truck but rolled the windows down but when friend got there they had rolled the windows up.. Im so tired of this shit. Everyone thinks its just fine for someone to sell pills infront of their kids and inviting drug addicts that do gosh knows what else into her home.