Help!! EP but want to EBF!!

So my daughter just got out of a NICU stay of 10 days after her birth. She takes the bottles like a champ but seems to tucker out once I try her on my breast. She "roots" around for awhile, latches for a few seconds and then loses interest or falls asleep. I have big breasts and feel like the pump has made my nipples too large!! My nipple when formed is larger than my newborns mouth. I really want to breastfeed but pumping is already taking its toll!! My supply isn't great right now either so I'm pumping every two hours, once at night and then one power pumping 10 min on and 10 min off x 3 times once a day (this is per the lactation consultant) but I feel my supply is lessening not getting more. This could also be the change in pump because I was using a medical grade Medela in the hospital and now using a pump in style. So I guess my questions are 1) how do I get my little girl on the breast? 2) Is this crazy pumping schedule going to work? 3) is my supply decreasing from the pump I use? 4) does the size of my nipples effect how she latches? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!