Get this Cervix prepped!

Ashley • 💗💙💗💔💗💙💗

I think I have the most stubborn cervix on the face of this Earth!

Due to be induced at 39 weeks because baby boy is big and super ready (let's be real, mama is soooo ready too!) BUT my cervix needs to be "induction ripe".

Currently 2 cm dilated, super soft but also super thick and posterior 😒😬 baby boy is still pretty high up.

I have been taking EPO since week 34 orally and started at 35 weeks vaginally. I drink fresh pineapple/date smoothies to the point where my throat gets sore. Sex when I can stand it, I've had intense pelvic floor pain since week 35. Yoga ball has been my friend.

This is baby number 5 for me so I realize the posterior part probably won't change until I'm in active labor. I've had to be induced with all of my other babies because my darn body doesn't get the hint that they're done baking.

How can I get this Cervix to ripen up and thin out already?!