UPDATE***Opinions please, appendix or something else?

Hi everyone, I am just going to get straight into this. I know you guys aren't all doctors, but I just need opinions. On Monday morning I woke up feeling not so great, I had a bit of an upset stomach twice that morning and afterwards felt better. Then at around 11am out of no where developed the most intense painful stomach cramps, crippling stomach cramps...which dulled down as the afternoon went on but didn't go away completely. By the time I got home at 5pm I took 2 buscopan thinking that would help, but that did nothing and I ended up on the couch with a heat pack trying to get some relief. At this point I notice the pain is in my lower right abdomen and in the centre of my stomach. 
Eventually it got around 9pm and my boyfriend took me to hospital, I was seen to; had a urine test, blood test and a physical exam. In the exam the doctor would press and I would writhe in pain. He put me on an IV for the pain and gave me buscopan and something else through the IV too. After this I felt a little more relief but my stomach was still very tender. He checked the blood tests and said my white blood cell count was high meaning I have an infection that my body is trying to fight. He prescribed me mild pain medication and antibiotics, and I went home at about 1am and slept. Leading up to yesterday, I still have stomach pain (it's not as intense and Monday but my stomach is still sore) when I walk with each step my tummy hurts. In the car, if I hit a bump it hurts.
Now at this present moment, I have pain in the centre of my stomach still and when I press the right of my abdomen I feel a sharp pain....which actually sends the pain to the centre of my stomach. I also haven't gone to the toilet since I had an upset tummy on Monday morning. 
I feel like I need to go to the doctor again, maybe even for a scan, just something? I don't feel like just telling me I have an infection really suffices, and I'm not better 2 days after seeing the doctor. I just need opinions on wether this could be my appendix, as I don't have the nausea, fever or vomiting etc. I was actually quite irritated when the doctor was doing his checkup on me, because he gave me the impression he thought I was faking it or didn't need to be there. However, his tune changed when he saw the results of the blood tests. 
If anyone has experienced something similar or has heard of something like this, please let me know. Thank you! I will be going to the doctor today in any case. 
Hi everyone, thank you to those who commented I appreciate it! Just to let everyone know, I went to the doctor yesterday and she sent me for a scan. The scan showed that my appendix was swollen and inflamed, she sent me for an operation straight away and I had my appendix removed. So it turned out to be appendicitis after all, I'm still in a lot of pain after the operation and I am staying another night in hospital. I am just really glad that they found our what it was and that it had been treated. 🌻😊 I feel that this may explain why I have been so on and off with my health for over a month now.