2 Month Metformin and good things!!

11lbs down 2 months after finding out I have PCOS
I have been taking Metformin 1000mg a day and I really didnt change my diet but losing those 11lbs motivated me and Im changing my diet I am eating a healthier diet and working out hoping I can lose about 15lbs by my next check up. My first visit doctor said in about 6 months after being on Metformin she would move me to chlomid my second visit yesterday and she said since i passed my goal weight loss if I could do 15 more lbs in 2 months she would go ahead and start me on Chlomid so Im pretty excited!!! I just wanted to share the good news since It was hard losing weight as to before I was gaining. 
Anyone have info on Chlomid and success? 
Ps. After being on Metformin I finally started seeing regular cycles as to before my cycles where about 60 days this last cycle was 28! Lets see how this cycle goes 🙏🏼