Trouble ⚠️ Advice Needed ⚠️

It's funny, I found this site one day and ever since whenever I find myself in something of pickle, I tend to turn to you guys (fellow girls) to give advice and help me get through my issue. I just wanted to say I really appreciate everyone here, and how much it means to me to have people listen even when it doesn't seem like anyone in my physical life is listening. 
Anyway, here's what I need advice on: I'm a semi struggling heroin addict (or maybe I just won't admit it to myself fully that I have an issue). I go through withdrawals if I don't smoke for a few hours but it isn't as bad as I've heard (I just get a little feverish and my leg cramps making it near impossible to sleep 🙄). My half-sister whom I don't exactly get along with got ahold of this information on a rare occasion of sister bonding and had been black mailing me into taking care of her children and paying for her "lavish" expenses. When she took the blackmailing too far I essentially told her to go fuck herself and believed my parents would believe me over my sister who had a history of being a liar and a drug addict. 
After partying hard in California, getting a boob job and returning home for school (I'm 19 by the way), my parents very uneasily told me that they were going to drug test me. HAIR drug test me. Which means they could see back months into my use and there was pretty much no way to dodge it. Drug test came back with a ray of things; THC, cocaine, methamphetamines, codeine and morphine (the breakdown of heroin). My very conservative FOB mother who once told me weed would cause me to become a schizophrenic whore, took this chance to disown me, while I somehow convinced my father that I had been doing codeine syrup which also breaks down into codein and morphine. It's been about three months since then. My mother whom I haven't spoken to in 3 months wants to drug test me AGAIN, and my dad is getting more and more convinced that I'm an addict given my boyfriend and my habits. 
My dad is eager to get me out of the house so I decided to make it easier on him and tell him I was planning on moving out. (Another reason I don't consider myself a full blown addict is because I have managed to be far from broke and keep my job). My parents both want me drug tested again, particularly my mom, but I can see my dad also wants the results as well. In my opinion if I'm moving out I shouldn't have to do that. My mother even took me off of my medical so the only thing I rely on my parents for is the cheap car insurance. Is there a possible way to go about this where the outcome doesn't upset the already fragile relationship with my parents and allows me to keep my personal life to myself? 
x M
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